Romance Lands and Conservation in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Chapter 1: Romance and Sludge in the American West PDF
- Chapter 2: 1862-1872 A Decade for the West and a National Park for the World PDF
- Chapter 3: A Short lesson in conservation biology PDF
- Chapter 4: Four New Things PDF
- Chapter 5: Institutions - How things get done PDF
- Chapter 6: Transitions in GYE PDF
- Chapter 7: A new view of public lands in GYE PDF
- Chapter 8: A Word for Private Lands PDF
- Chapter 9: It's Not All Bad but Let's Be Careful Out There PDF
- Chapter 10: What does the future hold? A Conclusion, of Sorts PDF
Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics - 1st edition
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1 – Why Study Comparative Politics
- Chapter 2 – How to Study Comparative Politics – Using Comparative Methods
- Chapter 3 – States and Regimes
- Chapter 4 – Democracies and Democratization
- Chapter 5 – Non-democracies and Democratic Backsliding
- Chapter 6 – Political Identity – Culture, Race, Ethnicity, and Gender
- Chapter 7 – Political Identity – Nationalism, Religion, and Class
- Chapter 8 – Political Economy
- Chapter 9 – Collective Action and Social Movements
- Chapter 10 – Comparative Public Opinion
- Chapter 11 – Political Violence
- Chapter 12 – Challenges and Questions in Comparative Politics
Conflict, War and Revolution: the problem of politics in international political thought
- Table of Contents
- Introduction: Conflict, war, revolution and the character of politics
- Thucydides: The naturalness of war
- Augustine: The problem of peace in a violent world
- Machiavelli: Politics and the use of violence
- Hobbes: Solving the problem of conflict
- Locke: Liberalism and the externalisation of conflict
- Rousseau: The threat of the international order
- Clausewitz: The professionalisation of war
- Lenin and Mao: Revolution, violence and war
- Schmitt: The danger of the international liberal order
- Conclusion: Realisms in international political theory
Introduction to Political Science Research Methods - 1st Edition
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- About the Authors
- History of this OER
- Table of Tables
- Table of Figures
- Chapter 1- Introduction
- Chapter 2- History and Development of the Empirical Study of Politics
- Chapter 3- The Scientific Method
- Chapter 4- Theories, Hypotheses, Variables, and Units
- Chapter 5- Conceptualization, Operationalization, Measurement
- Chapter 6- Elements of Research Design
- Chapter 7- Qualitative Methods
- Chapter 8- Quantitative Research Methods and Means of Analysis
- Chapter 9- Research Ethics
- Chapter 10- Conclusion
- Appendices
- References
- Index
Public Policy: Origins, Practice, and Analysis
- Table of Contents
- Acknowledgments
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Public Policy
- Chapter 2: Origins and Actors
- Chapter 3: Foundations of the Policy Process
- Chapter 4: Problem Identification and Agenda Setting
- Chapter 5: Policy Design and Formulation
- Chapter 6: Policy Implementation
- Chapter 7: Policy Analysis and Evaluation
A la defensa del disenso - 1st Edition
- Table of Contents
- Navegación
- Agradecimientos
- Introducción: el porqué de la seguridad digital
- Parte 1: Introducción a la criptografía
- Parte 2: Represión digital de movimientos sociales (en EUA)
- Parte 3: Defensa de los movimientos sociales (en EUA)
- Conclusión: elección de herramientas de seguridad digital
- Licencia Creative Commons
- Citas recomendadas
- Versiones
Introduction to Political Science
- Table of Contents
- Preface
Unit 1. Introduction to Political Science
- Chapter 1. What Is Politics and What is Political Science?
Unit 2. Individuals
- Chapter 2. Political Behavior is Human Behavior
- Chapter 3. Political Ideology
- Chapter 4. Civil Liberties
- Chapter 5. Political Participation and Public Opinion
Unit 3. Groups
- Chapter 6. The Fundamentals of Group Political Activity
- Chapter 7. Civil Rights
- Chapter 8. Interest Groups, Political Parties, and Elections
Unit 4. Institutions
- Chapter 9. Legislation
- Chapter 10. Executives, Cabinets, and Bureaucracies
- Chapter 11. Courts and Law
- Chapter 12. The Media
Unit 5. States and International Relations
- Chapter 13. Governing Regimes
- Chapter 14. International Relations
- Chapter 15. International Law and International Organizations
- Chapter 16. International Political Economy
- Suggested Readings
- References
- Index
La política petrolera en el gobierno de la revolución ciudadana: El caso del Campo Sacha
- Table of Contents
- Antecedentes
- Sistema de explotación del recurso natural petróleo
- Entorno jurídico en el contexto de los recursos naturales
- Constitución de la República del Ecuador
- Ley de hidrocarburos
- Sistema especial de licitaciones y reglamentos
- Reglamento de contratación para obras, bienes y servicios específicos de Petroecuador y sus empresas filiale
- Antecedentes de explotación en el Campo Sacha
- El Proceso de transferencia del Campo Sacha a Operaciones Río Napo CEM
- Contrato modificatorio al contrato No 2009073 de servicios específicos
- Contrato modificatorio al contrato No. 2009073 y a su modificatorio No. 2009085 de servicios específicos
- Conclusiones
- Recomendaciones
The Environmental Politics and Policy of Western Public Lands
- Table of Contents
- I. The Changing West
- The Old West, the New West, and the Next West?
- Western Public Land Law and the Evolving Management Landscape
- Rangeland Policy and Management in a Changing West
- II. Forest, Wildfire, and Water
- Professionalism versus Politics
- Wildland Fire Policy and Climate Change
- The Changing Fate of Western Rivers
- III. Wilderness and Wildlife
- Wild Places and Irreplaceable Resources
- National Parks
- Introduction to Wildlife Management on Public Lands
- Endangered Species, Wildlife Corridors, and Climate Change in the US West
- IV. Development, Sovereignty, and Conflict in the West
- Renewable Energy Development in the American West
- Regulating Oil and Gas on Federal Lands under Presidents Bush, Obama, and Trump
- Mining on Federal Land
- Implications of Tribal Sovereignty, Federal Trust Responsibility, and Congressional Plenary Authority for Native American Lands Management
- Western Rebellion
- Conclusion
Political Ideologies and Worldviews: An Introduction
- Table of Contents
- I. Introduction: Approaching political ideologies
- II. Dis(placement) and Indigenous Worldview : What I learned from Coyote
- III. Liberalism: From the "free men" to the "free market"
- IV. Conservatism: Slow change please!
- V. Socialism. Two Centuries of Social Progress.
- VI. Anarchism: No gods, no masters
- VII. Nationalism: A Modern Ideology Summoning an Eternal Past
- VIII. Multiculturalism: Public Philosophy and Public Policy
- IX. Populism: 'The Will of the People'?
- X. Islamism and its Relation to Islam and the West: Common Themes and Varieties
- XI. Confucianism: A Living Ideology
- XII. The Environment: Theory and Human Security
- XIII. A Late Modern Typology of Democratizing Feminisms
- XIV. Concluding remarks: Ideology in the Globalized Future
Open Judicial Politics - 2nd Edition
- Table of Contents
- I. Actors in the Judicial Process
- II. Court Procedures
- III. Decision Making
- IV. Public Opinion
- V. Media
- VI. Policy Making
Attenuated Democracy: A Critical Introduction to U.S. Government and Politics
- Table of Contents
- Part 1: Thinking Like a Political Scientist
- Part 2: Constitutional Foundations
- Part 3: Congress
- Part 4: The Presidency
- Part 5: The Supreme Court
- Part 6: The Federal Bureaucracy
- Part 7: Linkage Institutions
- Part 8: Electoral Politics and Public Opinion
- Part 9: Individual Political Behavior
- Part 10: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Slavery to Liberation: The African American Experience - 2nd Edition
- Table of Contents
- Ch. 1: Introduction to the African American Experience, by Aaron Thompson
- Ch. 2: Concepts of Beauty: Black and White Connotations, by Norman Powell
- Ch. 3: Gumboot Dancing, Origins, Influences and Uses, by Nicola Mason
- Ch. 4: “The Strong Cords of Affection” Enslaved African American Families and Escape to the U.S. North and Canada, 1800 1861, by Oran Kennedy
- Ch. 5: Some Notes on the History of Black Sexuality in the United States, by John P. Elia
- Ch. 6: Race, Identity, and Choice: Black Voices on Liberia and the American Colonization Society, Thomas Keefe
- Ch. 7: The Education of African Americans in the U.S., by Jayne Beilke
- Ch. 8: “It is Our Freedom that Makes Us Different”: Freedom and Identity in Post-Civil War Indian Territory and Oklahoma, by Leroy Myers
- Ch. 9: Eco-ability: The Complex Embodiment of Blind Lemon Jefferson, by Jonathan S. Lower
- Ch. 10: "Fire on the Hills" : The All-Black 2nd Ranger Infantry Company, by James Sandy
- Ch. 11: Prophecy in the Streets: Prophetic Christianity and the Civil Rights Movement, by Richard Thomas
- Ch. 12: “The Whole Matter Revolves around the Self-Respect of My People”: Black Conservative Women in the Civil Rights Era, by Joshua D. Farrington
- Ch. 13: The Origins of Africana Studies: A Brief History of a Scholar Activist Tradition, by Sekhmet Ra Em Kht Maat and Shelby Pumphre
- Ch. 14: The Vanguard of the Revolution: A Retrospective Analysis of the Black Panther Party, by Umeme Sababu
- Ch. 15: "Black Steel”: Intraracial Rivalry, Soft Power, and Prize Fighting in the Cold War World, by Andrew Smith
- Ch. 16: Black Martial Artists: Modernity in Pursuit of an African Fighting System in the African Diaspora, by Latif A. Tarik
- Ch. 17: Womanifesto: Historicizing the Literary Activism of Claudia Jones and Assata Shakur, by Kimberly F. Monroe
- Ch. 18: Critical Issues in African American Health, by Kevin McQueeney
- Ch. 19: Black Radicalism, Black Consciousness, Black History, Black Liberation, Black YouTube: A New Age Revolution, by Cheryl Mango
- Ch. 20: For the Culture: Examining the Electoral Success of African American Incumbents in the U.S. Congress, by Emmitt Y. Riley, III
- About the Editors and Contributors
- Ch. 14: For the Culture: Examining the Electoral Success of African American Incumbents in the U.S. Congress, by Emmitt Y. Riley III
State and Local Government and Politics: Prospects for Sustainability - 2nd Edition
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction and Themes
- Chapter 2: Federalism
- Chapter 3: The New Margins: Sustainability
- Chapter 4: Key Actors and the Policy Process in State and Local Governments
- Chapter 5: State Constitutions
- Chapter 6: Legislatures
- Chapter 7: Executives
- Chapter 8: Courts
- Chapter 9: State and Local Bureaucracy and Administration
- Chapter 10: Budgeting and Sustainability
- Chapter 11: Entitlements
- Chapter 12: Traditional and Visible Services: Criminal Justice, Education, Transportation and Emergency Management
Community Resilience to Climate Change: Theory, Research and Practice
- Table of Contents
- Section I: Introduction & Key Concepts
- Section II: Resilience in Theory
- Section III: Identifying & Evaluating Resilience
- Section IV: Resilience in Practice
- Section V: Future Directions
- Section VI: Conclusions
A Quick Guide to Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences
- Table of Contents
- Section 1: What will this resource do for you?
- Section 2: Why are you thinking about numbers? A discussion of the research question and paradigms.
- Section 3: An overview of the Research Process and Research Designs
- Section 4: Quantitative Research Methods
- Section 5: the data obtained from quantitative research
- Section 6: Analysis of data
- Section 7: Discussing your Results
Australian Politics and Policy - Senior Edition
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Institutions
- Federalism
- Political sociology
- Policy making
Principles of Political Economy - Third Edition
- Table of Contents
- I. Part One: An Introduction to Economic Theory
- II. Part Two: Principles of Microeconomic Theory
- III. Part Three: Principles of Macroeconomic Theory
- IV. Part Four: Principles of International Economic Theory
International Relations Theory
- Table of Contents
Part One – Established Theories
- Realism (Sandrina Antunes & Isabel Camisão)
- Liberalism (Jeffrey W. Meiser)
- The English School (Yannis A. Stivachtis)
- Constructivism (Sarina Theys)
- Marxism (Maïa Pal)
- Critical Theory (Marcos Farias Ferreira)
- Poststructuralism (Aishling Mc Morrow)
- Feminism (Sarah Smith)
- Postcolonialism (Sheila Nair)
- Towards A Global Ir? (Amitav Acharya)
Part Two – Expansion Pack
- Green Theory (Hugh C. Dyer)
- Global Justice (Alix Dietzel)
- Queer Theory (Markus Thiel)
- Securitisation Theory (Clara Eroukhmanoff)
- Critical Geography (Irena Leisbet Ceridwen Connon & Archie W. Simpson)
- Asian Perspectives (Pichamon Yeophantong)
- Global South Perspectives (Lina Benabdallah, Victor Adetula & Carlos Murillo-Zamora)
- Indigenous Perspectives (Jeff Corntassel & Marc Woons)
- A Contemporary Perspective On Realism (Felix Rösch & Richard Ned Lebow
- The ‘Isms' Are Evil. All Hail The ‘Isms'! (Alex Prichard)
Quantitative Research Methods for Political Science, Public Policy and Public Administration (With Applications in R) - 3rd Edition
- Table of Contents
I Theory and Empirical Social Science
- 1 Theories and Social Science
- 2 Research Design
- 3 Exploring and Visualizing Data
- 4 Probability
- 5 Inference
- 6 Association of Variables
II Simple Regression
- 7 The Logic of Ordinary Least Squares Estimation
- 8 Linear Estimation and Minimizing Error
- 9 Bi-Variate Hypothesis Testing and Model Fit
- 10 OLS Assumptions and Simple Regression Diagnostics
III Multiple Regression
- 11 Introduction to Multiple Regression
- 12 The Logic of Multiple Regression
- 13 Multiple Regression and Model Building
- 14 Topics in Multiple Regression
- 15 The Art of Regression Diagnostic
IV Generalized Linear Model
- 16 Logit Regression
V Appendices
- 17 Appendix: Basic
International Relations
- Table of Contents
Part One - The Basics
- 1. The Making Of The Modern World
- 2. Diplomacy
- 3. One World, Many Actors
- 4. International Relations Theory
- 5. International Law
- 6. International Organisations
- 7. Global Civil Society
- 8. Global Political Economy
- 9. Religion And Culture
Part Two - Global Issues
- 10. Global Poverty And Wealth
- 11. Protecting People
- 12. Connectivity, Communications And Technology
- 13. Voices Of The People
- 14. Transnational Terrorism
- 15. The Environment
- 16. Feeding The World
- 17. Managing Global Security Beyond ‘Pax Americana'
- 18. Crossings And Candles
Note On Indexing
Immigrant and Refugee Families - 2nd Ed.
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Immigration and Immigrant Policy: Barriers and Opportunities for Families
- Chapter 2: From There to Here: The Journey of Refugee Families to the United States
- Chapter 3: Human Rights
- Chapter 4: Economic Well-Being, Supports and Barriers
- Chapter 5: Mental Health
- Chapter 6: Intimate Partner Violence among Immigrants and Refugees
- Chapter 7: Substance Abuse
- Chapter 8: Resilience in Immigrant and Refugee Families
- Chapter 9: Embracing a New Home: Resettlement Research and the Family
- Chapter 10: Conclusion
American Government - 3e
- Table of Contents
Students and the System
- Chapter 1: American Government and Civic Engagement
- Chapter 2: The Constitution and Its Origins
- Chapter 3: American Federalism
Individual Agency and Action
- Chapter 4: Civil Liberties
- Chapter 5: Civil Rights
- Chapter 6: The Politics of Public Opinion
- Chapter 7: Voting and Elections
Toward Collective Action: Mediating Institutions
- Chapter 8: The Media
- Chapter 9: Political Parties
- Chapter 10: Interest Groups and Lobbying
Delivering Collective Action: Formal Institutions
- Chapter 11: Congress
- Chapter 12: The Presidency
- Chapter 13: The Courts
- Chapter 14: State and Local Government
The Outputs of Government
- Chapter 15: The Bureaucracy
- Chapter 16: Domestic Policy
- Chapter 17: Foreign Policy
International Economics: Theory and Policy
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- Chapter 1: Introductory Trade Issues: History, Institutions, and Legal Framework
- Chapter 2: The Ricardian Theory of Comparative Advantage
- Chapter 3: The Pure Exchange Model of Trade
- Chapter 4: Factor Mobility and Income Redistribution
- Chapter 5: The Heckscher-Ohlin (Factor Proportions) Model
- Chapter 6: Economies of Scale and International Trade
- Chapter 7: Trade Policy Effects with Perfectly Competitive Markets
- Chapter 8: Domestic Policies and International Trade
- Chapter 9: Trade Policies with Market Imperfections and Distortions
- Chapter 10: Political Economy and International Trade
- Chapter 11: Evaluating the Controversy between Free Trade and Protectionism
- Chapter 12: Introductory Finance Issues: Current Patterns, Past History, and International Institutions
- Chapter 13: National Income and the Balance of Payments Accounts
- Chapter 14: The Whole Truth about Trade Imbalances
- Chapter 15: Foreign Exchange Markets and Rates of Return
- Chapter 16: Interest Rate Parity
- Chapter 17: Purchasing Power Parity
- Chapter 18: Interest Rate Determination
- Chapter 19: National Output Determination
- Chapter 20: The AA-DD Model
- Chapter 21: Policy Effects with Floating Exchange Rates
- Chapter 22: Fixed Exchange Rates
- Chapter 23: Policy Effects with Fixed Exchange Rates
- Chapter 24: Fixed versus Floating Exchange Rates
Social Problems: Continuity and Change
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Understanding Social Problems
- Chapter 2: Poverty
- Chapter 3: Racial and Ethnic Inequality
- Chapter 4: Gender Inequality
- Chapter 5: Sexual Orientation and Inequality
- Chapter 6: Aging and Ageism
- Chapter 7: Alcohol and Other Drugs
- Chapter 8: Crime and Criminal Justice
- Chapter 9: Sexual Behavior
- Chapter 10: The Changing Family
- Chapter 11: Schools and Education
- Chapter 12: Work and the Economy
- Chapter 13: Health and Health Care
- Chapter 14: Urban and Rural Problems
- Chapter 15: Population and the Environment
- Chapter 16: War and Terrorism
Government Regulation and the Legal Environment of Business
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction to Law and Legal Systems
- Chapter 2: Corporate Social Responsibility and Business Ethics
- Chapter 3: Courts and the Legal Process
- Chapter 4: Constitutional Law and US Commerce
- Chapter 5: Administrative Law
- Chapter 6: Criminal Law
- Chapter 7: Introduction to Tort Law
- Chapter 8: Contracts
- Chapter 9: Consumer Credit Transactions
- Chapter 10: Secured Transactions and Suretyship
- Chapter 11: Mortgages and Nonconsensual Liens
- Chapter 12: Bankruptcy
- Chapter 13: Intellectual Property
- Chapter 14: The Nature and Regulation of Real Estate and the Environment
- Chapter 15: Securities Regulation
- Chapter 16: Antitrust Law
- Chapter 17: Unfair Trade Practices and the Federal Trade Commission
- Chapter 18: Employment Law
- Chapter 19: Labor-Management Relations
- Chapter 20: International Law
Sustainability: A Comprehensive Foundation
- Table of Contents
- 1 Foreword
- 2 Preface
- 3 Introduction to Sustainability: Humanity and the Environment
- 4 The Evolution of Environmental Policy in the United States
- 5 Climate and Global Change
- 6 Biosphere
- 7 Physical Resources: Water, Pollution, and Minerals
- 8 Environmental and Resource Economics
- 9 Modern Environmental Management
- 10 Sustainable Energy Systems
- 11 Problem-Solving, Metrics, and Tools for Sustainability
- 12 Sustainability: Ethics, Culture, and History
- 13 Sustainable Infrastructure
World Regional Geography: People, Places and Globalization
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Introduction to the World
- Chapter 2: Europe
- Chapter 3: Russia
- Chapter 4: North America
- Chapter 5: Middle America
- Chapter 6: South America
- Chapter 7: Subsaharan Africa
- Chapter 8: North Africa and Southwest Asia
- Chapter 9: South Asia
- Chapter 10: East Asia
- Chapter 11: Southeast Asia
- Chapter 12: Australia and New Zealand
- Chapter 13: The Pacific and Antarctica
Social Science Research: Principles, Methods, and Practices
- Table of Contents
Introduction to Research
- 1. Science and Scientific Research
- 2. Thinking Like a Researcher
- 3. The Research Process
- 4. Theories in Scientific Research
Basics of Empirical Research
- 5. Research Design
- 6. Measurement of Constructs
- 7. Scale Reliability and Validity
- 8. Sampling
Data Collection
- 9. Survery Research
- 10. Experimental Research
- 11. Case Research
- 12. Interpretive Research
Data Analysis
- 13. Qualitative Analysis
- 14. Quantitative Analysis: Descriptive Statistics
- 15. Quantitative Analysis: Inferential Statistics
- 16. Research Ethics
American Government and Politics in the Information Age
- Table of Contents
- Chapter 1: Communication in the Information Age
- Chapter 2: The Constitution and the Structure of Government Power
- Chapter 3: Federalism
- Chapter 4: Civil Liberties
- Chapter 5: Civil Rights
- Chapter 6: Political Culture and Socialization
- Chapter 7: Public Opinion
- Chapter 8: Participation, Voting, and Social Movements
- Chapter 9: Interest Groups
- Chapter 10: Political Parties
- Chapter 11: Campaigns and Elections
- Chapter 12: Congress
- Chapter 13: The Presidency
- Chapter 14: The Bureaucracy
- Chapter 15: The Courts
- Chapter 16: Policymaking and Domestic Policies
- Chapter 17: Foreign and National Security Policies
Wellbeing, Freedom and Social Justice: The Capability Approach Re-Examined
- 1.1 Why the capability approach?
- 1.2 The worries of the sceptics
- 1.3 A yardstick for the evaluation of prosperity and progress
- 1.4 Scope and development of the capability approach
- 1.5 A guide for the reader
2. Core Ideas and the Framework PDF
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 A preliminary definition of the capability approach
- 2.3 The capability approach versus capability theories
- 2.4 The many modes of capability analysis
- 2.5 The modular view of the capability approach
- 2.6 The A-module: the non-optional core of all capability theories
- 2.7 The B-modules: non-optional modules with optional content
- 2.8 The C-modules: contingent modules
- 2.9 The modular view of the capability account: a summary
- 2.10 Hybrid theories
- 2.11 The relevance and implications of the modular view
- 2.12 A visualisation of the core conceptual elements
- 2.13 The narrow and broad uses of the capability approach
- 2.14 Conclusion
- 3.1 Introduction
- 3.2 Refining the notions of ‘capability' and ‘functioning'
- 3.3 Are capabilities freedoms, and if so, which ones?
- 3.4 Functionings or capabilities?
- 3.5 Human diversity in the capability approach
- 3.6 Collective capabilities
- 3.7 Which notion of wellbeing is used in the capability approach?
- 3.8 Happiness and the capability approach
- 3.9 The capability approach and adaptive preferences
- 3.10 Can the capability approach be an explanatory theory?
- 3.11 A suitable theory for all normative questions?
- 3.12 The role of resources in the capability approach
- 3.13 The capability approach and theories of justice
- 3.14 Capabilities and human rights
- 3.15 Conclusion
- 4.1 Introduction
- 4.2 Is everything that's called a capability genuinely a capability?
- 4.3 Should we commit to a specific list of capabilities?
- 4.4 Why not use the notion of needs?
- 4.5 Does the capability approach only address the government?
- 4.6 Is the capability approach too individualistic?
- 4.7 What about power and political economy?
- 4.8 Is the capability approach a liberal theory?
- 4.9 Why ‘human development' is not the same idea
- 4.10 Can the capability approach change welfare economics?
- 4.11 Taking stock
5. Which Future for the Capability Approach? PDF
Sustaining the Commons
- Table of Contents
- 1 Why Study the Commons?
- 2 Defining Institutions
- 3 Action Arenas and Action Situations
- 4 Social Dilemmas
- 5 Water Governance
- 6 Harvesting From the Commons
- 7 Design Principles to Sustain the Commons
- 8 Social Dilemmas in the Laboratory
- 9 Self-governance in the Laboratory
- 10 Classifying Rules
- 11 Rules, Norms and Shared Strategies
- 12 Feedbacks and Stability
- 13 Coupled Infrastructure Systems
- 14 Think Globally, Act Locally?
- 15 Challenges Ahead
First Amendment: Cases, Controversies, and Contexts - Second Edition
- Table of Contents
- Chapter One: Introduction To The First Amendment
Part I: The Speech Clauses
- Chapter Two: Protections For Political Speech
- Chapter Three: Of Conduct, Content, And Categories
- Chapter Four: The Special (Or Not) Status Of The Press
- Chapter Five: Government As Employer And Educator
- Chapter Six: Unconstitutional Conditions And Compelled Speech
- Chapter Seven: Forums And Time, Place, Manner Restrictions
- Chapter Eight: The Political Process
- Chapter Nine: Commercial Speech
- Chapter Ten: Sexual Speech
Part II: The Religion Clauses
- Chapter Eleven: Defining Religion
- Chapter Twelve: The Establishment Clause And Education
- Chapter Thirteen: The Establishment Clause In The Public Square
- Chapter Fourteen: Freedom Of Religious Exercise
America: The User’s Manual - Third Edition
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Politics
- The Constitution
- Federalism
- Civil Liberties
- Civil Rights
- Public Opinion
- Interest Groups
- Parties
- Elections
- Congress
- The Presidency
- The Bureaucracy
- The Courts
- Media
- Appendix A: Declaration of Independence
- Appendix B: U.S. Constitution
- Glossary
- Index
- Photo Credits
- About the Author
Polimetrics: A Stata Companion to Introduction to Political Science Research Methods - 1st Edition
- Table of Contents
- Preface
- List of Figures
- Acknowledgements
- Chapter 1 - Overview
- Chapter 2 - Stata Software Tour and Getting Started
- Chapter 3 - Datasets: Cross-section, Time Series, and Panel
- Chapter 4 - Data Management
- Chapter 5 - Descriptive Statistics
- Chapter 6 - Model Selection
- Chapter 7 - Linear Models
- Chapter 8 - Binary Outcome Models
- Chapter 9 - Ordinal Outcome Models
- Chapter 10 - Categorical Outcome Models
- Chapter 11 - Count Outcome Models
- Chapter 12 - Panel Data Linear Models
- Chapter 13 - Panel Data Binary Outcome Models
- Chapter 14 - Panel Data Ordinal Outcome Models
- Chapter 15 - Panel Data Categorical Outcome Models
- Chapter 16 - Panel Data Count Outcome Models
- Chapter 17 - Survival Modes
- Chapter 18 - Share
- Chapter 19 - Reflection
- References